Imagine a “rocket scientist”, and then take a moment to see if the picture in your head corresponds to a stereotype? What if every time someone said ‘rocket scientist’ your brain had to sift through a number of possible images that would fit with that description? If it was being exhaustive, your brain would pull out each […]
Lizard Brain
Fear Part 2: Taming the Lizard Brain
Anger, dread, frustration, anxiety… If you have been feeling any of those emotions of late you have your lizard brain to thank (or the presidential primaries). While certainly not enjoyable states of being these emotions have played a key role in your survival thus far into adulthood. Survival in our modern age, though, is very […]
Fear: A Brain-Wise Strategy
Fear is everywhere, and it’s working. Whether we are listening or not, we are constantly bombarded by information about terrifying things that could be or are happening. Agitation and dread are being poured all over the political arena like chocolate sauce over a sundae made for a five-year-old, by a five-year-old. And as certain primary […]